Breathwork FAQ
Q: Can I do breathwork with [name of the specific medical condition]?
A: Generally if you are healthy then you can benefit from breathwork. Some breathwork exercises may be not suitable for people with epilepsy, heart disease, high blood pressure, migraines, panic attacks, diabetes, thyroid conditions and during pregnancy. If in doubt, check with a medical practitioner who can assess your actual condition personally.
Never perform breathing exercises in water!
Q: Is breathwork good for depression?
A: Breathing exercises can be very beneficial when working through any mental challenges. This course cannot be treated as psychological help or be a substitute for therapy work. Breathing exercises can bring up strong feelings and emotions. In that case you should take time off breathwork or maybe even stop it completely. Explore the practices only to the point that you are comfortable with and never force the process.
Q: What effects can I expect from the course?
A: Everyone is different physiologically and also we are all in different stages in our lives. It is better not to have expectations for the course and just enjoy the process. By doing the exercises you might feel more relaxed or energised buy equally you might not feel anything. Have in mind that whatever you are experiencing is right for you at this moment. Everyone has a different moment to be ready for self development.
Q: How much time do I need to practice?
A: It is totally up to you. If you can commit to a daily 10-20 minutes
of practice you could see the results quickly.
Q: What time is best for breathwork?
A: Usually the morning before the first meal is ideal for practice. During the day give yourself at least 2 hours break after a meal. Make sure you don’t do the energising exercises in the evening because it might affect your sleep.
Q: Is this course suitable for children?
A: This course is for people over 18 years old.
Q: Is it ok practice breathwork when I am pregnant?
A: During pregnancy it is not advised to do any breathwork exercises. It is ok to do meditation
with the breath as the focus point.
Q: Will breathwork make me feel good?
A: In many cases the exercise can provide a nice and relaxed feeling. Is some situations breathwork can bring up feelings which can be difficult and uncomfortable. Breathwork is a deep transformative process and any should be regarded as such. It is best to go as far as you are comfortable.
Q: What can I feel during breathwork?
A: Experiences may vary person to person and also depending on the day. Each session can bring in different feelings. Sometimes we can feel tingling or vibrations in the body and lightheadedness. These are natural physiological reactions to the changes in our breathing. Some of us don’t feel anything and that is also ok.
Q: Can I faint during the exercises?
A: Yes, it is possible to loose consciousness and that is why all exercises should be performed in a safe space. If you temporarily loose consciousness the body immediately wakes back up. Sometimes the experience can feel like fainting but in reality you are still awake. In breathwork you can reach a trans-like state where the perception of time changes.
Q: What is the best position for breathwork?
A: Some of the exercises are done sitting and some of the can be done lying down. In the instructional videos you will have information on which position is best for each exercise. When sitting it is best to use the floor and stay away from furniture. Breathwork should never be done while driving a car, operating heavy machinery or near water.
Q: Is it better to breathe through the nose or mouth?
A: Some of the exercises are done breathing through the nose and some of them through the mouth.
If during the day you are not doing the exercises try to breathe through the nose as much as possible.